Shadow Play
Angle of Descent
Detroit rips open old wounds.
Book Reviews
The Return of the States
State sovereignty was at the very core of Revolutionary thinking.
Masters of Disasters
When seconds count, the government is always minutes away.
How to Talk Like a Politician
American political rhetoric's decline.
One Long Circular Argument
Materialism is a whole battery of blatant fallacies.
He Didn’t Like Ike
William F. Buckley, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and George W. Bush.
Must We Fight?
China’s challenge to American strategic dominance sets us on a path to war.
Revolution of the Saints
Protestantism caused unintended consequences that led to its own decline.
The Greater Helmsman
Christianity is too widely diffused throughout China for crude oppression to succeed.
Losing Focus
The Union gave timeless purpose to the Constitution it created.
Divide and Fail
The situation in the Middle East is a greater indictment of American foreign policy than Vietnam.
The Founders in Full
Duties and rights, properly understood, are not at odds.
The Striver
In many ways, Nixon was decisive in Trump's victory.
Blue-Collar Blues
How progressives see the white working class.
I Don’t Feel Your Pain
Our empathy is too narrow and too idiosyncratic to provide a moral compass.
The Dream and the Nightmare
Europe is drifting towards Eurabia.
A Government of Laws, Not of Men
John Adams feared aristocracy, but recognized it was essential for the good of the nation.
How Democracies Perish
A visit from the ghost of liberal-democratic future.
The Wages of Sin
Some crimes deserve death.
Remember the Ladies
Abigail Adams and her world.
We’ll Always Have Paris
Jefferson and Hemings: a romance custom made for our times?
New Life to a Dying World
American Christianity as remnant.
George Washington Slept Here
Visiting the new Museum of the American Revolution.
Martin Luther’s Reformation
The first Protestant.
The Democrats’ Dilemma
Is their coalition too narrow or too shallow?
Parthian Shot
At Sea
Perhaps we will stumble into the next Great War.
Draining the Swamp
Draining the swamp might require a presidential commission.
Constitutional Virtue; It’s a Schlamuzzle; Jane Jacobs, Madisonian