
Charles R. Kesler

Charles R. Kesler is editor of the Claremont Review of Books, the Dengler-Dykema Distinguished Professor of Government at Claremont McKenna College, and author, most recently, of Crisis of the Two Constitutions: The Rise, Decline, and Recovery of American Greatness (Encounter Books).

Articles by Charles R. Kesler

The Supreme Court Leak

The Supreme Court Leak

The overturning of Roe v. Wade will intensify the battle between the progressives’ constitution and the founders’ Constitution.
Alien Nation

Alien Nation

Will we have to choose between the anti-Americans and the post-Americans, or is a republic graced by thoughtful American patriots still possible?
The Age of Biden

The Age of Biden

It’s hard to compromise when almost every issue presents you with a choice between two visions of justice.
Facing Mount Rushmore

Facing Mount Rushmore

It’s the statues you put up, not the ones you pull down, that define a great nation.
The CRB Interview

The CRB Interview

Norman Podhoretz on Trump, Never Trumpers, Iraq, immigration, 2020 predictions, and more.
God Bless America

God Bless America

In the 21st Century gratitude has gone out of style, along with all sense of proportion.
2020 Foresight

2020 Foresight

The Trump Administration needs to keep its eye on the argument, if it intends to win the vote.
Faking It

Faking It

The First Amendment guarantees the press freedom, not respect.
The Outsiders’ Appeal

The Outsiders’ Appeal

The good news is that the outsider faction remains keen on the Constitution that underlies these miscreant branches. The bad news is that it is not so keen on the conservative movement in its existing, and maybe not even in its best, form.
Hello, Berlin!

Hello, Berlin!

President Obama doesn't understand that the more he speaks the less people listen.
The Tea Party Spirit

The Tea Party Spirit

The Tea Party sees the threat of despotism in the Obama Administration's policies.
A Righteous Wind

A Righteous Wind

The Lincoln-Douglas debates set a bad example for American politics.
Buckley’s Legacy

Buckley’s Legacy

We honor Buckley by taking up the work of defending and restoring the Republic.
Indecision 2008

Indecision 2008

The uncertainty of the Republican primary of the 2008 presidential race.
Our Predicament

Our Predicament

How America can sustain a coherent foreign and military policy for the Long War.
Hard Questions

Hard Questions

Hard questions that conservatives will soon have to confront.
Practical Atheists

Practical Atheists

Only in latter-day America is "Merry Christmas" a politically incorrect affront to polite norms.
Bookless in America

Bookless in America

Once liberals' faith that history is necessarily on their side is shaken, they are left bookless.
Teach Them A Lesson

Teach Them A Lesson

President Bush has staked his presidency on his administration's conduct of the war on terrorism.
The War President

The War President

The last thing George W. Bush wanted was to become a foreign policy president.
Bipartisan Dreams

Bipartisan Dreams

Politics means disagreement, and no amount of enlightenment or good will can abolish that.
Hail, Columbia

Hail, Columbia

Space represents a second chance for mankind, a new world where we may start over and avoid our earthly mistakes.
Misunderestimating Bush

Misunderestimating Bush

A Republican electoral realignment would have to challenge the premises of liberal Democratic government.
Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

The political meaning of 9/11 has been less clear than one might have expected.
A New Birth of Freedom

A New Birth of Freedom

Forty years after Crisis of the House Divided, Harry V. Jaffa fulfills his promise of a sequel with a new commentary on Lincoln's political principles.

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