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Book Reviews
America First
Angelo Codevilla's final critique of our ruling class’s corruption.
Wild About Harry
Harry Truman was a man of outstanding ability and human qualities who cleverly portrayed himself as one of nature’s and political life’s heroic underdogs.
Digital Disaster
The crucial task before us is to remain human, recovering a sense of ourselves as God-created beings whose virtue and flourishing is non-negotiable.
First, Freedom
The framers wrote the religion clauses of our Constitution to set the parameters for a healthy and noble balance between freedom and order.
Pride and Prejudice
The morality of equality is not treating all as equals; it means treating all in a manner that transforms them into equals, which they are not at present.
Goodbye to All That
Constitutionalism stands for boundaries—above all, a boundary between what may be popular at any one moment and a considered judgment about what is lawful.
From Subjects to Citizens, and Back
Ultimately, the success or failure of the woke revolution depends upon the dedication of the counterrevolutionaries: do we have the courage to fight back?
Athwart History
By the 21st century, populists and elites had changed places—ordinary Americans were commonsensical while the elites were driven by unruly passions.
You Could Look It Up
A well-made index can be a great aid helping us “arrive swiftly but unruffled at the passage—the quotation, the datum, the knowledge—we need.”
Their Democracy
Democracy has become not a form of government in which the people rule directly or indirectly, but a political program committed to egalitarian outcomes.
Eros and Civilization
By recovering a true anthropology, we can begin to clothe the self in the dignity of reality once more.
Undue Deference
Ever since its inception, the Chevron debate has served as a placeholder for more fundamental contentions.
Boys to Men
Civilization does indeed depend on strength: good men must be strong, and strong men must be good.
The Worm in the Apple
Our public education system has abandoned excellence for ideology.
Everyone Deserves a Granite Countertop
Fantastically rich but morally impoverished American cities are committing slow-motion suicide.
What’s Up, Doc?
If there is one lesson that the pandemic ought to have taught, it is intellectual modesty.
Shadow Play
A Light from the North
Borgen, the celebrated Danish TV series about power, politics, and media, puts Hollywood in the shade.
From the Editor's Desk
Annus Mirabilis
So far, it’s been a very good year.
Voting Rights and Wrongs
Three generations of voting rights are enough.
Why Are We in Ukraine?
A steep bill comes due for decades of democracy promotion.
Furnishing the Mind
E.D. Hirsch’s long crusade.
The Road to Dubai
The United Arab Emirates’ liberal authoritarianism.
The Great Unwokening
Disestablishing our new state religion.
Portrait of Power
Demystifying Vladimir Putin.
Worlds Without End
Marvel comics, quantum physics, and the secrets of the cosmos.
That Tottering Town
Chicago on the brink.
Parthian Shot
Nationalism Through a Glass Darkly
Critics dismiss the virtues, necessity, and inevitability of the nation-state.
The Disputed Question
The Disputed Question
Glenn Ellmers and William Voegeli on what conservatism conserves.