Book Reviews The Last New Dealer Hubert Humphrey played a critical role in the rise and decline of 20th-century liberalism. by Michael Barone
Book Reviews Are Corporations People Too? To what extent the government may limit corporate political speech? by David E. Bernstein
Book Reviews Morality and Happiness What today’s neuro and evolutionary scientists teach us about morality. by Mark Blitz
Shadow Play The Goddess in the Mist Why the TV adaptation of My Brilliant Friend is better than the book. by Martha Bayles
The Last New Dealer by Michael Barone Hubert Humphrey played a critical role in the rise and decline of 20th-century liberalism.
Are Corporations People Too? by David E. Bernstein To what extent the government may limit corporate political speech?
Morality and Happiness by Mark Blitz What today’s neuro and evolutionary scientists teach us about morality.
Securing the Constitution and Union by David F. Forte Without Marshall, the judiciary would have been a withered branch.
The Insider’s Guide to the Hebrew Bible by David P. Goldman The first Orthodox Jewish presentation of the Pentateuch likely to interest a broad audience.
Seven Shades of Gray by Khalil Habib Gray’s book arrives like an uninvited guest to a premature celebration of God's death.
Best of Enemies by Richard Samuelson Gordon Wood's method presumes that there is not a robust or transhistorical human nature.
Ye Shall Be as Gods by James V. Schall Modern Christianity has failed to distinguish itself fully from humanism.
The Last of the Founders by Michael M. Uhlmann John Marshall is the least appreciated Founding Father.
Draining the Swamp by Michael Anton No one has done more than John Marini to explain the administrative state.
2020 Foresight by Charles R. Kesler The Trump Administration needs to keep its eye on the argument, if it intends to win the vote.
The Goddess in the Mist by Martha Bayles Why the TV adaptation of My Brilliant Friend is better than the book.
Correspondence, Winter 2019 Aristotle and America; Jaffa’s Vitality; Racism at Home and Abroad; Telling the Truth about Communism
Making the Presidency Great Again by Mark Helprin It takes more than an election to make a president.