From the Editor's Desk



Abandoning the Constitution

Abandoning the Constitution

America has a problem, not because of our Constitution but because constitutionalism as a theoretical doctrine is no longer meaningful in our politics

Book Reviews

State of the Union

State of the Union

A review of Collision Course: Ronald Reagan, the Air Traffic Controllers, and the Strike that Changed America, by Joseph A. McCartin
How the West was Won

How the West was Won

A review of Why the West Rules--for Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future, by Ian Morris and Civilization: The West and the Rest, by Niall Ferguson
Power Surge

Power Surge

A review of Liberal Leviathan: The Origins, Crisis, and Transformation of the American World Order, by G. John Ikenberry and The Future of Power, by Joseph Nye
Vol. XII2Vol. XII, Number 2, Spring 2012