From the Editor's Desk


Book Reviews

Winston Is Back

Winston Is Back

Churchill understood the difference between tyranny and free government, the distinction upon which Churchill built his political life.
Dishonest About Abe

Dishonest About Abe

With malice towards all and charity towards none of Lincoln's principles and actions, 'The Real Lincoln' is the latest attempt to finish the job so ignobly begun by John Wilkes Booth in April 1865.
Ascent From Exile

Ascent From Exile

Solzhenitsyn is one of the most important writers of the twentieth century, and has had more direct influence on politics than any other author since Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Up From Slavery

Up From Slavery

'Jefferson's Pillow' is written not merely for blacks but for all American; it is a book of hope and reconciliation.

On Wine

On Wine

In wine, there is truth. Why would you drown the truth? A moral defense of the fruit of the vine, from Benjamin Franklin.
Vol. II3Vol. II Number 3, Spring 2002

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