fall 2022 Issue The Red Wave Reconsidered by Charles R. Kesler The Republican presidential debate has begun.
fall 2022 Issue Law Man by Joseph M. Bessette William Barr knows the indispensability of the rule of law.
fall 2021 Issue The New Main Street Coalition by Jeffrey H. Anderson What it will take to win in 2024.
fall 2020 Issue The Election to End All Elections by Angelo M. Codevilla Trump, imperfect as he is, is like a finger in a dike that, if removed, would loose a deluge.
fall 2020 Issue Are We Going to Fist City? by Douglas A. Jeffrey These ugly books put to the test any hope that the divide in our country can be resolved peacefully.
fall 2020 Issue Flyover Country Blues by Michael Barone The Democratic Party must show more respect for people like the Trump Democrats.