How should Western democrats deal with dictatorships?
No matter how stormy its progress, Russia will matter.
Brooding upon the rage emptied on the world by Stalin and his magnates.
Leo Strauss, Straussians, and American foreign policy.
Jimmy Carter, the worst president of the 20th century.
Schlesinger's book is a sad testament to the state of the modern academy.
Is there a crisis in American historical scholarship?
Howard Zinn and American history.
Supporting sloppy scholarship puts the conservative movement's respectability at stake.
Hamby argues that Roosevelt was a savior of democracy.
Exploring the policy implications of lower birthrates.
Jacoby attempts to reassure immigrants and Americans that assimilation is both possible and desirable.
Taking the difference between men and women seriously.
Rule of Law and the American Revolution.
A review of Common-Law Liberty: Rethinking American Constitutionalism, by James R. Stoner, Jr.
Understanding the ideas that unified American constitutional law between 1860 and 1910.
Understanding how we can regulate globalization consistent with the Constitution.
A review of My Life, by Bill Clinton
How capitalism saved America.
Globalization increases individual choice and bypasses local authority.
Acknowledging Hayek's contributions to economics and the defeat of 20th century totalitarianism.
Contemporary religious terrorism and how to fight it.
Political philosophy has the obligation to look at all cities - Athens, Jerusalem, and Rome.
Challenging conventional interpretations of Machiavelli's influence on the English republican tradition.
Gertrude Himmelfarb wishes to redeem the Enlightenment.
A review of The Vehement Passions, by Philip Fisher
Remembering the life and stories of Jorge Luis Borges.
Nelson Lund examines the libertarian roots of our Constitution.