Bureaucracy and technology too often seem to crowd out the actions of individuals; this is particularly true in war.
The only thing more frightening than annihilation is the possibility that our decadent society could coast on forever.
America is founded on principles deeply indebted to ancient Christian and natural law traditions.
The Trump White House is no more scandalously contentious than past administrations.
Our way of life is being dramatically altered once again by the digital revolution.
The immigration debate is mostly a proxy for domestic politics and the culture wars.
Those of us unable to join the integralists may still admire the integrity of their vision.
Multiculturalism has never made sense on its own terms.
These are perfectly implausible times for radical surgery on the academy.
One would be hard-pressed to deny that Christianity transformed the Western mind.
It is no longer possible to take for granted that the next generation will live better than the last.