Book Reviews
Bullwhip Feudalism
The kings of the Confederacy.
Power and Rhythm
A new translation of Virgil's epic.
Out of Egypt
Our debt against Moses.
Home on the Range
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s American story.
The Difference Congress Makes
Is Congress making good use of its constitutional powers?
Beyond the Culture of Repudiation
Roger Scruton: modern conservative.
Howl at the Moon
The Left needs to rethink its foreign policy.
Endarkenment Later
In a world without final causes, reason cannot aim at truth.
Blame the Fathers
Liberalism hasn’t failed; it is being destroyed.
Singing a New Song
Emily Wilson’s translation of The Odyssey is vibrant and contemporary.
Inconspicuous Consumption
The new elite’s superiority isn't even skin deep.
A Living Constitution
An interpretive history of the Constitution through ten lives.
Big Tent Originalism
Originalism is the most meaningful approach to constitutional interpretation.
Best Practices
Americans no longer seek a life that reflects the fullness of human experience.
Israelis versus Jews
A history of Israel told as a battle between rival factions over control of its people's guiding principles.
The Jewish Army that Wasn’t
The best laid plans.
Profit and Honor
Giorgio Vasari is a forgotten luminary of the Renaissance.
Why not a Palestinian Singapore?
Because Palestinians refuse to ask.
Red Ink
The economic consequences of unstoppable entitlement spending are alarming.
Twin Peaks
Lincoln and Churchill: brothers in arms.
Brilliance without Egotism
Isaacson’s book emphasizes Leonardo’s scientific and technological endeavours.
Parthian Shot
One year later.
Shadow Play
The Most Dangerous Enemy They Can Find
Netflix’s clever Black Mirror.
Thomas Sowell’s Inconvenient Truths
Hard questions about discrimination, diversity, and civil rights.
The Fellowship of the Cursed Poets
Misery loves company.
The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon
Why everyone is talking about him.
Radical Prophet
David Horowitz was right about the Left.
Will the Real Authoritarian Please Stand Up?
Trump versus the democracy experts.
From the Editor's Desk
Faking It
The First Amendment guarantees the press freedom, not respect.
Sigmund Fraud?; Victory in Vietnam; Honoring the Veterans