The collapse of the family brought about by the sexual revolution has created an identity vacuum now filled by identity politics.
The United States now has two constitutions. Which of the two constitutions shall prevail?
Two sharply different perspectives on the nomination and confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court.
The Arabic language should stand as one of the great civilizational wonders of the world.
Theodore Dalrymple offers the wise discussion that we wish we found in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The long-term future of Republican foreign policy will require balancing internationalist, hardline, and noninterventionist concerns.
American culture has unique characteristics that explain our country’s extraordinary success.
Judicial review is too frequent to deem the Court a mere lapdog of Congress, but decisions upholding federal statutes far outnumber invalidations.
Walter Bagehot was an exercise in paradox.
Defeating identity politics will take more than a series of skillful ripostes.
No jurist has done more than Clarence Thomas to oppose the Progressive synthesis of leviathan and anarchy.
The campaign to curtail speech in order to promote social justice is gathering strength.
The Reconstruction amendments were intended to complete the Revolution of 1776.
The framers understood political parties to be necessary instruments of republican government.
Rick Atkinson's Revolutionary War trilogy looks fair to become the standard account of the war that brought the American Republic into being.
The contributions of America’s original populists were overshadowed by the brilliant response of their adversaries.
Neither Locke's Second Treatise nor the Declaration of Independence offers a complete key to grasping the scope of the American mind.