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Harvey C. Mansfield
Harvey C. Mansfield is the William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Government at Harvard University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.
Articles by Harvey C. Mansfield
The Henry Salvatori Prize
Self-censorship, self-expression, identity, and feminism,
The Legacy of Leo Strauss After 50 Years
Why there are Straussians but not Straussism.
Pride and Prejudice
The morality of equality is not treating all as equals; it means treating all in a manner that transforms them into equals, which they are not at present.
The Rolling Revolution
Family life today is threatened by a theoretical proposition.
Everyday Niccolò
Machiavelli lived not for the sake of his own time or for his next life but for his progeny in later times.
Why We Won’t Agree
Breaking down party politics.
Secret Teaching
A review of Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing, by Arthur M. Melzer.
Higher Education
Politics Without the Regime
It is not an ordinary debate, nor even a great one, but the great debate that Yuval Levin brings to our attention. The debate is ours.
The Higher Education Scandal
What Does Bowdoin Teach? And why it matters.
The Will to Cool
A review of American Nietzsche: A History of an Icon and His Ideas, by Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen
Providence and Democracy
Tocqueville’s alliance of religion and liberty.
The Degradation of Modern Democracy
A review of The Servile Mind: How Democracy Erodes the Moral Life, by Kenneth Minogue.
The Common Form of All the Virtues
A sermon on charity in deed and speech.
Timeless Mind
A review of two new books on the development of Leo Strauss' thought.
The Case for the Strong Executive
Now is not the time to fear the imperial presidency.
The Debacle at Harvard
Larry Summers's resignation is demeaning for all involved.
A More Demanding Curriculum
Reviving liberal education in a free society.
The Captive Woman
A sermon on science and religion.
The Christian Socrates
Fortin offers a distinctively medieval view of the permanent question as to what is politics.
Those Hell-Hounds Called Terrorists
Harvey C. Mansfield reflects on the place of terror in modern politics and political theory.