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Up from Colonialism
Digging Up a New Past
Digging Up a New Past
America’s Game
How football reflects the nation we've become.
Book Reviews
The Smart Set
Charles Murray reviews two books about meritocracy.
The High-Low Coalition
The power of liberalism has translated into the steady enrichment of those who wield it, and into steadily diminishing prospects in the lives of the very people it first rose to serve, writes Wilfred M. McClay in the Claremont Review of Books.
Renewing the Republic and Republicans
Abraham Lincoln was not only our greatest rhetorician and statesman, but a man who understood and encouraged abundant economic opportunity, writes Ken Masugi
On the Road Again
Walter Russell Mead reviews Michael Barone's new book on immigration.
Politics Without the Regime
It is not an ordinary debate, nor even a great one, but the great debate that Yuval Levin brings to our attention. The debate is ours.
The First Conservative?
Gladden J. Pappin reviews two new books on Edmund Burke.
Founder by Day
Darren Staloff reviews a new biography of one of our more colorful, and often forgotten, Founders.
As American as Humble Pie
Joseph Epstein reviews David Bobb's new book on humility.
The Truth of Experience
Carol Iannone reviews a new book of Willa Cather's letters.
Divine Doctors
Father Aquinas Guilbeau reviews two new books on Augustine and Aquinas.
The Cost of Learning
National Association of Scholars President Peter Wood reviews Bill Bennett and David Wilezol's new book on the cost of education.
Southern Discomfort
Peter Augustine Lawler on the mind of the South.
Schoolmaster to the World
Freud believed that Wilson, his head ringing with scripture, mistook himself at times for the son of God, writes Christopher Caldwell.
Failed State
John Bolton reviews Christian Whiton's book on diplomacy and war.
Shadow Play
Oh Brother! Why Bother?
Oh Brother! Why Bother?