From the Editor's Desk
Are People Being Nice?
It's commencement speech season.
The Meaning of the Tea Party
The grassroots are up in arms.
The Sources of American Renewal
Reclaiming self-government from the bottom up.
Explaining the Great Depression
Changing interpretations of the 20th century's worst economic collapse.
Bubbles, Bubbles, Toils and Troubles
What the history of financial crashes should teach us.
Book Reviews
Who is Ayn Rand?
A review of Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right, by Jennifer Burns
and Ayn Rand and the World She Made, by Anne C. Heller
Thinking the Unthinkable, Again
A review of The Great American Gamble: Deterrence Theory and Practice from the Cold War to the Twenty-First Century, by Keith B. Payne
How to Read Plato
Catherine Zuckert's Plato's Philosophers aims to be a comprehensive account of Plato's 35 dialogues.
Winter of Discontent
A review of When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the Seventies, by Andy Beckett
Vive la Difference
A review of The Narcissism of Minor Differences: How America and Europe Are Alike, by Peter Baldwin
Ink-Stained Genius
A review of Charles Dickens, by Michael Slater
The Making of an Educational Conservative
A review of The Making of Americans: Democracy and Our Schools, by E.D. Hirsch
The Common Sense of the Subject
A review of We Still Hold These Truths: Rediscovering Our Principles, Reclaiming Our Future, by Matthew Spalding
Mr. X and the Prince of Darkness
A review of The Hawk and the Dove: Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and the History of the Cold War, by Nicholas Thompson
American Woman
A review of Going Rogue: An American Life, by Sarah Palin
Pure Son of Liberty
A review of The Peasant Prince: Thaddeus Kosciuszko and the Age of Revolution, by Alex Storozynski
Nazi or Philosopher?
A review of Heidegger: The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy in Light of the Unpublished Seminars of 1933-1935, by Emmanuel Faye, translated by Michael B. Smith
Insatiable Liberalism
A review of Never Enough: America's Limitless Welfare State, by William Voegeli
The Spirit of the Laws
A review of Montesquieu and the Logic of Liberty, Soft Despotism, Democracy's Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, and the Modern Prospect, by Paul A. Rahe
Processed History
A review of Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815 , by Gordon S. Wood
A Friend of America and Liberty
Tocqueville appealed to America as the model of democracy built on the separations of powers, the rule of law, and the mores of a self-governing people.