David Azerrad
David Azerrad is an assistant professor at Hillsdale College’s Van Andel Graduate School of Government in Washington, DC.
Articles by David Azerrad
Locked Out
John Locke's political philosophy constitutes the bedrock of American republicanism.
SJW Seeks Trans Übermensch
Social Justice is America’s unofficial state religion.
The Social Justice Endgame
What do social justice warriors want?
Who’s Your Daddy?
The collapse of the family brought about by the sexual revolution has created an identity vacuum now filled by identity politics.
Patriotism vs. Multiculturalism
With responses from David Azerrad, Matthew Continetti, Allen C. Guelzo, and Roger Kimball.
The Last Man and the Clash of Identities
Francis Fukuyama's half-hearted attempt to reground the nation in Rawlsian platitudes is unpersuasive.
Modern conservatives live like Tocquevillians, but speak like Randians.
Ties that Bind
Our problem is that our perceptions are distorted by nostalgia.