Crisis politics and the California drought.
The crisis of American democracy demands a clear-eyed understanding of the ways in which differences in ethnic groups and some sources of political polarization are never going to be resolved.
Packing the Supreme Court and the Senate.
The United Arab Emirates’ liberal authoritarianism.
A steep bill comes due for decades of democracy promotion.
Three generations of voting rights are enough.
Democracy has become not a form of government in which the people rule directly or indirectly, but a political program committed to egalitarian outcomes.
Constitutionalism stands for boundaries—above all, a boundary between what may be popular at any one moment and a considered judgment about what is lawful.
Origins of the Spanish Civil War.
Blitz engages in a running debate between two principal contenders for the best regime: classical aristocracy and liberal democracy.
The 2020 elections raised serious questions about foul play in the American voting process.
"Conservatism" covers multiple theoretical ideas.