Theodore Dalrymple
Theodore Dalrymple is a physician and psychiatrist, and a contributing editor of City Journal.
Articles by Theodore Dalrymple
Violence as Therapy
O Sanity!
The history of psychiatry is replete with horrors.
What’s Up, Doc?
If there is one lesson that the pandemic ought to have taught, it is intellectual modesty.
Short End of the Stick
It is no longer possible to take for granted that the next generation will live better than the last.
Heart of Darkness
Paul Kenyon's latest book is entertaining, informative, and superficial.
Brilliance without Egotism
Isaacson’s book emphasizes Leonardo’s scientific and technological endeavours.
Mobility and Nobility
Reflections on America's underclass.
Opiates for the Masses
Heroin is the drug of choice for America's middle and upper classes.
Sense and Sensibility
Joseph Epstein is the author of scores of elegant literary essays and many excellent short stories.
Veiled Threat
A review of Heaven on Earth: A Journey Through Shari'a Law from the Deserts of Ancient Arabia to the Streets of the Modern Muslim World, by Sadakat Kadri
Islam’s Captive Audience
Islam in American prisons
The Gelded Age
A review of America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, by Mark Steyn
Suicide of the West
Problems that Western Europe not only fails to solve, but even properly to recognize.